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Board of Directors

London Capital Credit Union is run and managed by a dedicated board of volunteer directors. Each of them brings a much needed skill to our mangement structure. Board members are elected each year at our AGM.

Board of Directors

London Capital Credit Union is run and managed by a dedicated board of volunteer directors. Each of them brings a much needed skill to our mangement structure. Board members are elected each year at our AGM.


For over 25 years I have been a resident of Haringey, Islington and now Barnet, which covers much of London Capital Credit Union’s common bond, and I enjoy getting involved in the community. In my day job I am a psychologist and I work with organisations and people to help them find appropriate roles and work effectively.

I have volunteered as Director and President of London Capital Credit Union since October 2007 and I am proud to have been involved in its phenomenal growth from a few hundred members to where we are today. We are providing fair financial services to people that want an ethical alternative and those who are often exploited by commercial firms. I see my responsibility as President to enable the Board to work effectively. The best part of the role is the opportunity it gives me to see directly how the credit union can impact on members’ lives.

I believe that an accessible saving and loans facility is sorely needed, particularly in the current economic climate. The commercial financial sector often excludes or exploits people. A credit union like ours, which is a savings and loans co-operative, can provide the services and support its members want and need in a better way.


My involvement with the London Capital Credit Union (LCCU) started as a volunteer, helping with administrative tasks in the office.  I was then asked to rethink and streamline the training programme for volunteers, whose work is so valuable to the LCCU. I was co-opted to the Board in December 2018.

I have been a Lecturer in Finance for over 25 years at the London School of Economics.  I emphasise in my classes that while unregulated and “greedy” finance can do great harm, well-regulated and well-run financial institutions can be an important force for good. Organisations such as the LCCU, especially because run for the benefit of their members/owners, are important in harnessing finance to help improve people’s lives.  It is a privilege to be involved.

I hope to use my experience in finance to ensure that as a Board we help the LCCU continue to improve the services we offer our members. At its core, this means offering fair interest rates, opportunities to save and a high standard of service.

I have lived in London for over thirty years and love being part of such a diverse and culturally rich community. Serving as an LCCU Board member is an important way for me to participate in and contribute to our community.


I am an Islington resident and firmly believe in the important role a Credit Union can play, in providing affordable and accessible loans and savings products where the market either ignores or excludes the community we cover through the level of charging. As a cooperative, we can truly tailor our services to our members and be a trusted, flexible and responsive financial organisation.

As a member of the Board, I want to help ensure that we uphold those objectives, to remain a secure, sustainable, and going concern for future generations and to balance the needs of our savers and borrowers.

My day job is with an IT services company with its UK base in London where I work in business development, helping new clients use IT to better deliver business outcomes. I also serve as a Trustee on a number of its pension schemes.  I try to bring my commercial, financial and organisational skills to the board to scrutinise the Union’s operations, help to develop strategy and secure the Union’s future on your behalf.


I have worked in the City of London and other major financial centres for over 20 years within derivatives risk management technology for top tier investment banks, derivatives exchanges, also run a consultancy and live in Barnet. I am a non-executive board member of a housing association, an advisor for businesses and a member of the UK Business Angels Association, a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce and a Freeman of the City of London.

Being a member of the London Capital Credit Union Board of Directors, allows me to contribute my knowledge and experience in strategy, business and finance to enable the credit union utilise its resources to provide financial products and services which address the financial needs of our members and improve their lives. Through our co-operative efforts, we will enrich our communities and support the continued growth and success of the credit union.


I was introduced to the credit union movement by my parents as a child, as my father was a founder member of Hornsey Co-operative Credit Union, which was set up in 1962. This was the UK’s first credit union, formed by a group of new immigrants from the West Indies because there had been a lack of financial services for people new to the country. My father, Blair Greaves, served on the Board of Directors for all of the 50 years that this credit union was in existence and was President for over 25 years, up to the time of the merger with London Capital Credit Union.

I joined the Board of London Capital Credit Union in 2014 and I am keen to follow in my father’s footsteps, promoting the credit union movement as a fair and more ethical source of financial services.

I work for Islington Council, where I use the payroll deduction savings scheme. The credit union really helps me to save, and I know that my savings are there when I need them. It is good to know that our savings are providing a source of low cost loans for people in need.


I have worked in the City of London, in Investment Banking for over 25 years, where I have experience of mitigating regulatory risk and resolving audit and compliance issues, as well as managing critical business transformations.  Since 2013, I have supported various bank in delivering successful global change programs, process improvements and leadership.

I hope to put the knowledge and experience I’ve gained throughout my career to good use through my involvement with LCCU, by playing an active role in shaping policy and ensuring that the relevant rules and regulations are adhered to, as well as mitigating risks and enhancing controls.  In doing so I can help London Capital CU to continue to grow and provide affordable, high quality and ethical financial services to the community.

I am excited to have this opportunity to play an active part in helping London Capital CU to continue to provide its members with appropriate, responsible and fair financial products to meet their need that genuinely helps people to help themselves by improving their financial well-being.

I live in Leigh-on-sea, in Essex and in my spare time enjoy travelling, cooking and gardening.


For the last 20 years, I have lived across Barnet and Camden with my family and worked in the City of London to gather experience in finance, risk management and regulated industries. I can now bring this experience to benefit the London Capital Credit Union.

My area of professional expertise is in financial derivatives -often seen as opaque- and I have won industry awards by advising UK the EU companies, institutions and governments on their financial risks, while defending their best interest in dealing with complex financial securities. During all that time, I have witnessed a vast array of changes and reforms in the world of money: regulations have evolved to acknowledge the lessons from past crises, accounting standards have been reinvented to increase transparency, interest rate benchmarks fell from grace and more changes are to come. This evolution has taught me a great deal about resilience and adaptability.

But embracing change doesn’t mean letting good things pass. There is increasing thirst for stable institutions that care about those who rely on them. The London Capital Credit Union is worthy of trust and will be around for its members provided it is well looked after. It is rooted in London to safeguard the wealth and prosperity of our neighbours and communities with a common bond, and I am proud to be supporting it.


I have lived and worked in Islington for over 30 years and, after being involved with the EC1 New Deal for Communities project, I wanted to volunteer for an organisation that addressed the needs of my neighbourhood.

My career in IT for a wide range of City of London institutions means I have had experience of business and finance, so London Capital Credit Union was an obvious choice with its emphasis on thrift and provision of affordable credit to local people. I am committed to the success of London Capital Credit Union, our credit union, and I am proud to serve as Secretary on the Board.

I believe that our community is strongest when it is united and everyone has an equal chance and benefits fairly. Credit unions exemplify that because they are owned and run by members for members who share a common bond and any surplus or profits made in the year is shared between those who save with and borrow from the credit union.



I have worked in health, law and finance for the last 15 years. I live in Kent just outside London. Whilst l have always known about Credit Unions, l only really became involved through participating in my Employers Salary Savings Scheme. At that time, many large banks were pulling out of low-income communities and a lot of what are often known as alternative financial service providers i.e. the payday lenders, the check-cashing operations/pawn shops, were growing dramatically.

This sense of a financial services injustice where marginalised groups and vulnerable individuals are often worst affected, deprived of access to affordable financing led me to want to be part of and participate in a movement that offered sustainable ethical lending to all and critically a savings culture.

That’s why l hope to contribute to a well led Board that can offer appropriate checks and balances to the management of the credit union ensuring financial stability and a continuing adherence to the principles of the Credit Union.

Outside of work I enjoy travelling, playing sport and local history.



I am a married mother of three children living in London, having joined the Credit Union in February 2022 as a volunteer director on the  Board.

For the past 20 years I have worked in the City of London  in investment banking, mortgage lending, and banking operations. I have experienced the complexities of the financial markets but also its impact on the real economy and individuals. I am convinced that money and finance should serve the needs of individuals and families and not the other way round. It is essential for every individual to have financial literacy and confidence in order to build a solid foundation for their life. I am passionate about the Credit Union’s aims and ethos to promote savings and offer affordable borrowing with a true commitment to the financial success of its members.

I am very excited to be a member of a dynamic and diverse team of governance and to have the opportunity to use my skills and expertise at the service of the Credit Union and its members, helping individuals reach financial stability and confidence.


I am a software engineer working for Microsoft and a keen amateur musician, having lived in Enfield for the last 20 years. I am passionate about outreach and making the tech world more inclusive. This has included mentoring & supporting under-represented groups becoming involved in the science and technology sector.

I started volunteering with the Enfield based North London Credit Union, providing expertise as we improved online services and was chair when we merged with London Capital Credit Union in August 2022. I see the credit union movement as filling a critical role for those ignored and let down by the wider banking industry, and I’m keen to help us offer a range of fair and ethical options for saving, borrowing and financial education. I also want to see us use new technologies so members are not disadvantaged compared to those of the traditional financial services industry.

MARTIN GROOMBRIDGE Chief Executive Officer

I attend Board meetings without a vote to advise and support the directors in their governance role. I have spent much of my early working life on a factory shop floor. An active trade unionist, I have also been heavily involved in the co-operative movement for over 40 years, and specifically with credit unions since 1995. My first credit union involvement was as a member of a Supervisory Committee with a credit union for Co-op staff. I started working with what is now London Capital Credit Union in 2007 at a time when it was insolvent, had less than 200 members and just £400k in shares. Since that time the credit union has grown to serve over 18,000 members with £21m in assets and a healthy loan book of over £16m.

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